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Master Sam Dojo Tee

Cash Star

Perfect fleece from silk worms and  labor from Choyna. Show your impeccable skills in a street fight against a random guy  today! Hold on we didn’t say you’d win the fight we just said you could show your skills….

Sensai please teach me a bunch of bullshit that doesn’t work. You got it. Do a split. My best student is a 40-year-old woman who looks like a cleaning lady but somehow has time to study “Kenpu Ryu” whoe let’s me club her over the head and believes anything I make up is real. She thinks she could take out a team of Navy Seals with this kick I tought her but I only tought her it so I could watch her chunky thighs quake before choking her to the floor. My dream is to teach this sport. Don’t fuck with my dream.

Welcome to Sam Hyde’s Nerve & Bone Damage Academy youll never be the same i guarrentee it

General Disclaimer

These MFs all on a Alstyle 1301 [link to size guide] …..this shirt is not soft but it holds a lot of ink and has a boxier shape that looks less terrible on fatasses. I have tried every other blank including that Rue Porter crap and the only other one that is good is Comfort Colors (it does not hold a lotta ink)... The Los Angeles Apparel is phat but the neck tape is VERY thick.

THIS (Alstyle 1301) is the blank if you are even 2% overweight and plan on actually wearing the thing dont argue with me i have tried on like 50 different companies fucking blanks and this has been a months long sample fitting process to arrive at exactly the same blanks we used for the e-stein tees. Don’t argue with me I want to forget ever typing this.

WE RECOMMEND: Do not attempt to keep this shirt looking crispy/new it will look/feel better after washing it to Hell. Don’t turn it inside-out and wash on cold, just wash and let some of the ink chip away over time trust me its the look you want. If you are between sizes order a size up just because the art on these is so big it’ll look better the bigger it is and big is good…. It’s your world but this art is not really what we like to see on a tight ass shirt but it’s your world rock it but I’d go Big Mode just saying.